Epx Dominicana, SRL Odoo Version 14.0+e

Information about the Epx Dominicana, SRL instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

Hide Cost Price From User
Hiding cost price from sale user group
From quotations to invoices
Invoices & Payments
Track leads and close opportunities
Enterprise website builder
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Manage financial and analytic accounting
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Sell your products online
Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
Create and customize your Odoo apps
Document management
Power BI Dashboards Integration
Fetch all your Power BI Dashboard into Odoo in one click. Support both Master Login Feature and Organization Level Feature !!!! powerbi
Hide prices for public users
Hide prices for all products from specific website for public user configurable
funenc auto gen project
PostgreSQL Query Deluxe
Salesperson Own Customers and Sale Orders / Invoice
This app allow your sales person to see own customers on sales order and invoice.
Cancel Landed Cost
Landed Cost Cancel, Reset and Cancel Landed Cost, Mass multiple landed costs, Multiple landed costs Cancel, Cancel Land Cost, Cancel Cost, Cancel and delete LAnded Cost, Delete Landed Cost Odoo
All in one Receipt Reports - Sales, Purchase, Accounting, Inventory | Sale Orer Receipt Report | Purchase Order Receipt Report | Invoice Receipt Report | Inventory Receipt Report
print sales report,purchase order report, sale order report odoo, print invoice report module, print request for quotation report, account report, warehouse receipt report odoo
Generate recurring invoices and manage renewals
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Centralize your address book
Schedule employees' meetings
Publish blog posts, announces, news
Use barcode scanners to process logistics operations

Installed Localizations / Account Charts

Dominican Republic - Accounting
Fiscal Accounting (Rep. Dominicana)
Este módulo implementa la administración y gestión de los números de comprobantes fiscales para el cumplimento de la norma 06-18 de la Dirección de Impuestos Internos en la República Dominicana.
Impresion de cheques bancos Domnicanos
Localizacion Para Republica Dominicana Permite configurar desde los diarios las plantillas para impresion de chques.
Dominican Debit Notes
Adds Dominican Republic Debit Notes features
Dominican Republic EDI Invoicing
Dominican Republic DGII Electronic Invoicing
LATAM Document
LATAM Document Types